Wednesday, March 18, 2015

No More Mess Grill!

Years ago we purchased a non-stick pan costing us more than P1000. We were really excited to try it because it was are first ever non stick pan. Sadly, it did not meet our expectations.  Whenever we were cooking fried dishes, it was sticking and the food was even messing up. And so, we didn't buy any non-stick products after that.

Last Friday, when we were at the Home Warehouse sale, we were looking for some kitchen items that we can use at home. My hubby wanted a griller that we can use inside the house. There were different grills available but this Chef's Classics grill caught our attention. It's reversible and non-stick. We were a bit skeptical with its non-stick features, however, my husband bought it after hearing some sales talk from the salesman. We just wanted a grill and so we purchased it.

Yesterday, I tried it the first time. I just placed it on top of the stove , then cooked some pancakes. 

My first attempt to cook with it (no mess at all! :D)
You can see how easy it was. :D No more mess! It was indeed non-stick! Hooray! 
We will be grilling some burger patties and barbecues with it on Saturday. I'm so excited to use it again. :D

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